Learn How To Tint Windows..Like A Boss!

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We Have Moved!!

We are now at a new site over at http://www.carwindowtintingtraining.com/ This is where you can access our new window tinting training. ...

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Heavy Dot Matrix Tips For Car Window Tinters

In this article today I want to talk to you about more dotmatrix! You may not see this type of matrix every day, but there are cars out there that are very heavy dotmatrix at the top of the back window, I'm talking three or 4 inches of...

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Panels on verses panels off when tinting a car door window.

Depending on which side of the water you are (USA/Europe) you may well never have come across the installation method of installing the film in one shot as opposed to installing the top half of the film and raising the glass then installing the bottom half.  I would not...

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A Close Shave With KT!

I would like to show you today the Olfa Shaving Technique - well i say me, It's actually mt Friend KT. he is the real Daddy when it comes to shaving the windows with an Olfa knife. It takes a lot of practice to get this technique down and you will burn through a ...

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Time To Get Tough On Marketing Your Car Wndow Tinting Business Part 2

Hey guys, we're having some good feedback on this blog lately and thanks if you're one of those who pops in regularly to view my posts, it's nice to be appreciated!! Please leave a comment and if I feel it's relevant I will happily approve it, if it's spam...

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Marketing Your Car WIndow Tint Business..When Times Are Tough! (part 1)

Yeh, its tough out there!! Operating a small business in a recession is no fun...and if you dont keep a handle on things, before you know it your flood of customers could become a trickle and leave you in a mess! Ok I am no expert on business mastery, but...

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Tint Slime Review

This is a follow up on my last article on tint slime, I have now had a chance to try out the product and wanted to give you a quick review right here and now. I got a gallon size container of the product from my regular supplier. And...

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